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Dr Michael Portelli, Chiropractor

Spineline Essendon Chiropractic is an opportunity to explore ways of helping individuals and families optimize their natural health.

Spineline provides qualified and registered Chiropractors and Masseurs that provide high quality care for each person in their care.  The support staff including the Chiropractic Assistants and Management are always available to allow the process to run more smoothly.

We have tried to provide an environment that is safe and convenient, clean and spacious, professional and courteous.  We attend the latest seminars, we try to use the best equipment available, we personalize the patients treatment according to the presenting condition.

We work closely with local radiology clinics and doctors to make sure that the patient is being looked after very well. That is our priority.

We have sourced quality therapeutic pillows, orthotics and nutritional supplies, for your convenience without the hefty price tag.

We hope that you will be encouraged to try Spineline or recommend us to your valued friends.

As a qualified Spineline Chiropractor l have been honoured to work in a profession that l love and respect. I enjoy going to work each week seeing both regular patients as well as the challenges that new cases bring into the clinic.

I enjoy working with my associates in the practice. There is a constant learning that takes place, as we share our knowledge and case histories with each other.

As a practitioner, l value my support staff in whom l trust. The patients healing begins at the front desk. The healing experience is a process that involves more than one individual. It is a team approach and the process takes time, patience and commitment.

Our commitment to you is that we will always try our best for you.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you, to try and help you for the better.

And for those of you who work weekdays, yes, we are open on Saturdays! Our clinics opening hours are below.

Michael Portelli
Founder Of Spineline Essendon

Spineline Essendon Chiropractic is an opportunity to explore ways of helping individuals and families optimize their natural health.

Spineline provides qualified and registered Chiropractors and Masseurs that provide high quality care for each person in their care.  The support staff including the Chiropractic Assistants and Management are always available to allow the process to run more smoothly.

We have tried to provide an environment that is safe and convenient, clean and spacious, professional and courteous.  We attend the latest seminars, we try to use the best equipment available, we personalize the patients treatment according to the presenting condition.

We work closely with local radiology clinics and doctors to make sure that the patient is being looked after very well. That is our priority.

We have sourced quality therapeutic pillows, orthotics and nutritional supplies, for your convenience without the hefty price tag.

We hope that you will be encouraged to try Spineline or recommend us to your valued friends.

As a qualified Spineline Chiropractor l have been honoured to work in a profession that l love and respect. I enjoy going to work each week seeing both regular patients as well as the challenges that new cases bring into the clinic.

I enjoy working with my associates in the practice. There is a constant learning that takes place, as we share our knowledge and case histories with each other.

As a practitioner, l value my support staff in whom l trust. The patients healing begins at the front desk. The healing experience is a process that involves more than one individual. It is a team approach and the process takes time, patience and commitment.

Our commitment to you is that we will always try our best for you.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you, to try and help you for the better.

And for those of you who work weekdays, yes, we are open on Saturdays! Our clinics opening hours are below.

Michael Portelli
Founder Of Spineline Essendon